Resources for building new cooperations
Below are a number of resources to assist Research Infrastructures in establishing new cooperations, collaborations and partnerships.

Bi-regional recommendations for cooperation of research infrastructures
RI-VIS has published three white papers providing recommendations to increase collaboration between European research infrastructures and counterparts from Africa, Latin America and Australia. The papers are targeted at funders, policy makers and research infrastructure managers and collate the insights of 21 experts from research infrastructures and policymakers from the respective regions.

RISCAPE International Research Infrastructure Landscape
The RISCAPE report presents an international landscape of research infrastructures who responded to the RISCAPE questionnaire and interviews. These infrastructures are similar in scope and mission to corresponding European research infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap.
This report can be used to help identify international research infrastructures to collaborate with.

RI-VIS Communication Toolkit
Our Communication Toolkit for European Research Infrastructures provides guidance on preparing communication materials.
The toolkit includes designated sections for communicating with international research infrastructure counterparts, the private sector and policy makers.

Communication Guidelines for engaging with stakeholders in Africa/Latin America
These documents provide tips and guidelines to help European research infrastructures better communicate with potential partners in Africa and Latin America.

RI-VIS Template MoU
A template document which can be used to create a memorandum of understanding with international collaborators.
We analysed examples of research infrastructure collaboration agreements and MoUs in place with and between research infrastructures to build a template incorporating key features of a MoU of an RI with an international partner.

Communication Strategy
Guidelines for how to build and implement a communication strategy for your research infrastructure.
We outline step-by-step how to draft a strategy document providing explanations on the different contents it should include such as communication aims, stakeholder analyses and the key aspects to consider when developing a targeted communication plan.

Usage of communication methods and platforms
We analysed the communication tools used in Research Infrastructures around the globe. Our results show which tools are prioritised by the infrastructures for which audiences.
Understanding the key channels for approaching different audience types can help when planning how to approach stakeholders for a new partnership.

Services from European Research Infrastructures
Find out about the services offered by European research infrastructures via our service portal.

CORBEL Innovation Helpdesk
The CORBEL project created an innovation helpdesk to assist the European Biological and Medical Research Infrastructures with collaboration with industry and technology transfer. In addition to bespoke support from the helpdesk, CORBEL also provide guidelines and templates for creating collaboration and licensing agreements.