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Service / Technology Instance

About Solid State NMR, CERM/CIRMMP, Florence, Italy

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View All Solid State NMR at Instruct

CERM/CIRMMP (Consorzio Interuniversitario Risonanze Magnetiche di Metallo Proteine) offers unique research capabilities in the field of solid-state NMR of biomolecules by providing state of the art instrumentation and expertise to perform, at the highest level, the most comprehensive array of experiments needed for the structure and dynamic characterisation of biological macromolecules and their complexes.

Solid-state NMR available at CERM/CIRMMP is typically applied for the determination of fibril structures and to obtain atomic-level structural information of biomolecules when they are bound to or trapped in solid matrices that lack long-range three-dimensional order. Detailed structural studies can be accomplished by exploiting the effects induced by the presence of paramagnetic metal ions. CERM/CIRMMP has a long tradition in the determination of paramagnetic effects in the solid state to access structural information.


Service Availability:



Instruments Available:

Three solid state spectrometers are available:850WB Avance III-HD: PH MAS 850WB BL3.2 N/C/H DVT 3.2 mm + PH MAS 850W6 BL1.3 X/Y/F-H DVT 1.3 mm +  PH MAS DVT 850W6 BL0.7 N/C/H  0.7 mm800SB Avance III-HD:  PH MASDVT 800S5 BL1.3 Y/X/H TRIGAMMA 2 + PH MAS DVT 800S5 EF CNH 3.2 + PH MAS DVT 800S5 TL2 HCN 1.3700WB Avance AV:  CPMAS DVT 1H/BB/BB 4 mm + CPMAS DVT 1H/BB/BB 3.2 mm

User Guide

Solid State NMR spectroscopy measurements can be performed in virtually any kind of biological solid. CERM/CIRMMP has experience with several different kinds of biosolids including microcrystalline proteins, amyloids, fibrils and sedimented solutes. The vast majority of the experiments are based on direct heteronuclear detection, therefore 13C-15N labelled samples are required. Users can thus perform the following studies: assignment, determination of structural constraints; local dynamics; determination of paramagnetic effects.

Support offered

The support might include sample preparation, instruments setup, data acquisition and data analysis. Assistance and supervision will be assigned based on the expertise of the visiting scientist.

For remote access, storage instruction should be shipped together with samples. Transfer to the rotor is performed by our staff only for 3.2 and 4 mm rotors and non air/light sensitive samples. For high MAS frequencies (rotors of 1.3 mm or 0.7 mm), samples must be provided directly in the rotor, after testing that they spin properly.

Before the visit

The visiting scientist must communicate the scientific plan of the experiments and the contacts to arrange the visit. On average a visit is one week of instrument time and it can be arranged as a physical visit to the facility or by mailing-in the samples. Some projects might require more time, up to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the work to be performed and the experience of the visiting scientist in the field. 

Contact the facility staff before submitting your proposal, so that the access request is in agreement with the scientific plan of the experiments.

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Via Sacconi 6

50019 Sesto




Moreno Lelli
Moreno Lelli
Polo Universitario Città di Prato
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Enrico Ravera
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Francesca Morelli
Francesca Morelli
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Isabella Felli
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Laura Di Genova
Laura Di Genova
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