Change of date: ARIA will be unavailable on 25th February 2025 due to scheduled maintenance. Please plan work accordingly.

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Whilst normal working hours still apply, where possible the team will try and deal with queries that occur outside of these hours.

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We have a number user forums for the structural biology community. Anyone registered with us in ARIA can post in the forums and join the conversation.

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Normal Availabilities:

09.00 GMT (10.00 CET) - 17.00 GMT (18.00 CET)

+44 (0) 1865 98 86 39

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For travel information to visit the Instruct hub, click here.

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Instruct infrastructure is distributed around Europe, the core admin team resides in Oxford, in the Oxford Business Park (South).

Instruct Hub,
Oxford House,
Parkway Court,
John Smith Drive,