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Service / Technology Instance

About Macromolecular Crystallisation, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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The Protein Facility of the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) in Amsterdam has a strong record in structural biology using macromolecular X-ray crystallography, Electron Microscopy and sample preparation, and is also extremely well-equipped for studying molecular biophysics.

We are very experienced in macromolecular crystallization and offer to our users:

- Robotics for preparation of nanoliter crystallization drops in 96-well format.

- Storage of crystallization plates at 4°C or 20°C.

- Screening and ranking of crystallization conditions in 96-well format (TOPAZ, AutoInspex station).

Solving crystal structures is beyond the scope of the facility!


Service Availability:



Instruments Available:

The Facility has access to a high-throughput macromolecular crystallisation platform. Liquid handling robots are available for preparation of nanoliter crystallisation drops in 96-well format, including a 96-well pipetting robot (CyBi-SELMA) for filling up reservoir wells and a Mosquito for creating nanoliter crystallisation drops. Crystallisation trials can be stored and imaged by two RockImager systems, one at 4 °C and one at 20 °C. When suitable crystals are obtained for x-ray diffraction analysis, the applicant has to collaborate with a crystallography facility. Solving crystal structures is beyond the scope of the facility.

Instruct Centre

NKI Protein Facility

NKI Protein Facility

Plesmanlaan 121

1066 CX, Amsterdam



Anastassis Perrakis
Anastassis Perrakis
The Netherlands Cancer Institute
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Patrick Celie
Patrick Celie
The Netherlands Cancer Institute
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Hans Wienk
Hans Wienk
The Netherlands Cancer Institute
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