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Service / Technology Instance

About Electron Microscopy, Grenoble, France

The EM platform at IBS-ISBG provides access via Instruct-ERIC to a full range of instruments (three TEMs and auxiliary equipment) to users located at any Instruct member state. This includes our flagship instrument: the Titan Krios G4 microscope CM02; part of the national infrastructure "France cryoEM." 

Services include classical negative staining experiments (for quality control or morphological analysis), sample vitrification and sample optimisation for cryo-EM experiments, screening and data acquisition for single particle or tomography experiments. 

The PF is also offering cellular EM services for sample preparation (at room or cryo temperatures), sectioning and imaging. 

We are currently developing microED and we are interested in collaborations, but this not yet available as a service. 

Titan Krios G4 (CM02), available for high-end data acquisition for single particle and tomography.

Talos Glacios, available for cryo-EM sample optimization, screening and for data collection in tomography and single-particle experiments.

Tecnai T12, used for negative staining and cellular electron microscopy.

Tecnai F20, equipped for cryo-EM/ET and microED. 

Three Vitrobot MARK IV (including one installed in an anaerobic glove box) and a Leica GP2 for specimen vitrification.

Equipment for freeze substitution (AFS2), a High-Pressure Freezer (Leica EM-ICE) and (cryo-)microtomes (Leica UC7-FC7) for cellular EM.  

For any enquires, please contact the EM facility:

Service Availability:



Instruments Available:

We offer plastic embbeding ; tokuyasu method; high pressure freezing, immuno-labelling; ultra thin sectionning at room temperature and cryo. The slices can then be observed using a T12 or F20 electron microscope.

200 kV, FEG, CETA camera and an ASI hybrid detector (1K x 1K), SerialEM, Gatan 626 cryo-sample holder and a Gatan 614 cryo-tomography holder.

Equipped for cryo-EM/ET. Also used for negative staining and (cryo-) cellular EM.

Accessible imaging modes include SPA, tomography, and micro-electron diffraction.

120 kV, LaB6, wide field Orius 1000 camera and 4K x 4K TVIPS F416 camera.

Negative staining, cellular EM. 

200 kV cryoTEM Glacios TFS, X-FEG, Falcon 4i and Gatan K2 Summit direct electron detectors, SerialEM, EPU 3 (multi-grid), TOMO 5, MAPS, and SerialEM.

Available for screening and data acquisition for single particle and tomography experiments.

300 kV cryoTEM Krios G4 TFS, cold FEG, Fringe-Free Imaging, Selectris X energy filter, Falcon 4i direct electron detector, EPU 3 (multi-grid) and TOMO 5.

Applications: High-end data acquisition in tomography and single-particle experiments. 

User Guide

Contact the EM platform :

Contact the CM02 team  :

Instruct Centre

Instruct Centre FR2


71 avenue des Martyrs


France &

Electron Microscopy, Grenoble, France


Guy Schoehn
Guy Schoehn
CNRS en Alpes
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Eleftherios Zarkadas
Eleftherios Zarkadas
Integrated Structural Biology Grenoble (ISBG)
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